Monday, 6 February 2012

Some personal idols.

Hello my Beautiful people!

OK so i am often approached and asked "how did you learn to do your make up?"  I am mostly self taught but I perfected my learning by youtube tutorials and just looking at pictures of other peoples work. It was pretty much a monkey see monkey do kind of situation. So today I am going to share my 3 favourite youtube artists and my favourite look from each. I hope you get something out of them.

Adora BatBrat my absolute all time Favourite  of all time goth model. she inspired me to lose the eyebrows and i just love her makeup.

Petrilude. I have learnt SO SO much form this beautiful man. I learnt blending, contouring, brush technique, he is amazing if you look at no one else then look at him. He is amazing!

Michael James. He's fun, he's colourful and he dose some amazing work. plus I have to add he has an accent/voice so sitting down and listing to his tuts is so easy.

I really hope you get as much out of these Amazingly Beautiful people as I did and still do.  Hopefully I join there ranks soon as I prepare to start recording my own soon.
